Aussie meets world, coffee and food.
Dessert Story

Dessert Story

The strange and bizarre culture that is Asian food takes new heights with the concept of dessert and Dessert Story will gladly take you on that journey. Boasting a giant picture menu that’s pushing twenty pages long, prepare to be confused out of your mind at choosing something. I use the word something as many of the menu items do not even sound like a dish that is edible, let alone for dessert. Luckily, the kind folk at Dessert Story have indicated on the menu which items are their most popular or recommended.
Service is interesting, where although the staff will take you to a table, you need to order, pay and take a number at the front counter.
I settled on the Mango Snow Ice with Crystal Jelly and Mango Juice with Popping Pearl (quoted from the receipt). This was chosen purely because two of the neighbouring tables were having the same thing. A wise choice this was with a fruity, but not overpowering, mix of mango, mango juice and a hint of coconut from the snow ice. Completing the dish with a nice touch of fun were the popping pearls.
The snow ice however lead me to spend most of the time staring and poking at it trying to work out exactly what it was. As I was leaving, I asked the staff how they made it and was met with some confused faces. One understood and pointed out what looked like a cylindrical block of frozen, presumably coconut ice and a machine that spun and shaved off flakes.
Open until 2am, seven days a week, Dessert Story is ready to take you on a late night journey into the unknown with their intriguing but tasty desserts.

Dessert Story Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

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